
Monday, 20 July 2015

Album Review: Slaves - Are You Satisfied?

Over the past year or so, I've become aware of quite a few good bands who do away with the traditional trio, or quartet of members. Why over-saturate your sound when two people are all you need?

This is truly a testament which has been echoed by the likes of Royal Blood with their freight-train sound supporting the likes of the Arctic Monkeys and Foo Fighters, or the more niche duo of Death From Above 1979, spearheading a nontraditional and catchy series of tunes. This is all well and good, but these two aforementioned bands do have the odd issue; Royal Blood produces consistently good, heavy songs, but it's all very proper and mainstream. DFA1979 have a wider catalogue of material, but unfortunately they're just lacking something when it comes to live performances.

See, I told you so.

Neither of the two have much in the way of attitude either. None of the two really represent some form of garage-rooted punk rock. So, have a gander at Slaves.

The one thing you'll take on board if you listen to a Slaves tune, is the attitude, and the raw elements which create it. If Royal Blood support the Arctic Monkeys, Slaves would support the Sex Pistols, a comparison which has been frequently made. There's no glossy vocals or sharpened guitar effects, just an array of snarling and power chords which has been woefully underutilised recently.

So, the entire premise of Slaves sounds excellent. And just like Royal Blood over the past few years, they too have had a couple of cracking live sets on the B-stages of Glastonbury, Big Weekend and Latitude. So does it pay off for them?

I'd like to first rid this album of some withstanding criticism. A lot of people say that Slaves' albums are terrible, whereas their live performances are stellar. From what I've heard, and from listening to their earlier stuff, it seems that the duo have aptly addressed this issue. Of course, the album will only give you a glimpse of their intense live experience, but you can't exactly have them playing in the back of your car on the way to work all the time, unless you're incredibly well-off.

Have a listen to them live, and you'll know what I mean. I would try and avoid the comparison to the Sex Pistols again, but such a resemblance is certainly difficult to ignore, and I'm adamant that Slaves are one of very few bands to capture their snarling attitude on their album, a rare feat indeed. If you're after some modern day songs that will take you back to London Calling.

After a lengthy first EP, I'm hopeful that the pair have taken this new opportunity to develop their sound, just like The Vaccines have done with their latest album, or like DFA1979 did after a lengthy hiatus. I didn't really know what to expect from Are You Satisifed?, so I'm a bit torn on my overall opinion of the album. To me, it's what I expected from Jack White when he went solo, only with a tad more attitude, and well, not really like Jack White at all, come to think of it.

It's far from a revival of grunge and punk which fans have longed after. Arguably, the band don't fully represent that aspect of music culture. The music they produce could lead you to believe that their toxic facade runs deep, while in actual fact, it doesn't. Issac and Laurie aren't enraged anarchists, they're more just disappointed. They're two characters on a stage, taking the opportunity to get their message, (their loud and rallying message), out to the world. 

So no, they're not the next punk sensation, but if anything I'd say they're representing a needed change in direction for punk and grime music. They're asking people to take action, and expressing their distaste in people not doing so. What's the point in writing songs to inspire people if they do nothing to build upon it?

So the album has a great message, and really feels like it wants to change, or point out the dull, self-pitying nature of modern yuppies, (see 'Cheer Up London'). Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and do something, a cracking message which is best shown in the aptly named 'Do Something'. Without going into detail, it's a song which has a great changing tune, but is backed with lyrics which I doubt could be better in this context. "No-one's gonna help you've got to do it for yourself," is the appropriate last line of the chorus, hitting the nail squarely on the head. But in some areas, the songs themselves do leave a bit to be desired. Take 'Ninety Nine', a song which is structurally and lyrically sound, I suppose. Unfortunately, the simplicity occasionally wears thin. The very simple riff, combined with the equally bare drum patterns do make such tracks forgettable, which is a shame.

But, in their inevitable upcoming singles, the duo do truly shine. 'Hey' is a cracking tune, which is simple, only with a lovely little riff and copious amounts of aggression. Granted, the anger in the song could be interpreted as cartoon-level violence, but it goes very, very well with the image that the band portrays. And when it's done live, this cartoon aggression passes on to the crowd in an event which is testament to the band's explosive energy.

'The Hunter' is a song about how we selfishly disregard the future of others through our own greed, as long as we're ahead. It's riff, just like 'Hey' remains the same throughout, but it can afford to do so, unlike 'Ninety Nine' or 'She Wants Me Now'. Some other songs are just great for how carefree, or how different they are, like 'Wow!!! 7AM' and the title-track 'Are You Satisifed?' respective.

If I was to do this by the stats, I'd say that nine of the thirteen tracks have made it onto a few various playlists of mine. The others may need a while to get into, just as with some tunes from Noel Gallagher's latest album, but for the moment, they're taking a back seat. 

One track that caught me off guard, and is arguably my favourite from the album would be the title-track of the previous EP, 'Sugar Coated Bitter Truth'. It encompasses some secluded and delayed guitar notes before kicking into high gear. 

It's like the characters of the band just went into full conspiracy mode, shouting about indoctrination in a woefully under appreciated track. The grand chorus is followed with a daunting line, "You can't run". I was left wondering where this song came from in an album which had otherwise been good, but nothing too spectacular.

It turns out that the final track was the tipping point for me, Are You Satisfied no longer needed to rely on the strengths of a few songs, it was now a solid album in its own right. But unfortunately, that's all it every escalated to, for me.

 It's good, and the main group of songs, 'The Hunter', 'Cheer Up London', 'Hey' and 'Sockets' are certainly great, and more importantly, catchy by anyone's definition. It has a great message and conveys it well, an attribute which is very much overlooked in most modern albums.

The only problem, is that with the exception of those aforementioned songs, you have to look for, and appreciate what they've done. If you're the kind of lazy, whining individual, (like myself) which this album is targeting, you'll probably thinks it's alright, with hints of goodness laying within. If you're a punk album through and through, you'll be happy, but likely a bit unsatisfied. If you're willing to take these thirteen tracks for what they are, you'll most definitely find something you'll enjoy, even if you're not a fan of grime, punk, or the image that the band portray so well.

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Pointers for Freshers (A Nowhere Near Comprehensive Guide)

A few weeks ago, I lost the title of ‘Fresher’. Second years will no longer have the legal standing to exclaim “down it, Fresher!”, during tedious small talk at the bar, and I’ll have to actually think of a reason as to why I chose English sometime within the next two years. Both of these are mindbogglingly colossal changes to my life as a student, something which I’m not sure I’ll be able to cope with.

Despite my predicament, I can now pretend that I too, am a wiser, more knowledgeable student. It will now be acceptable for me to drunkenly dictate to freshers which places are the best and which to avoid, (that pub with the police-tape around it might be in a sticky situation now, but give it two weeks and you too can enjoy the cheapest pint in Lincoln). That being said, some bits of the conveyed student life have been great. Some have been unexpected. Some have been an unfortunate learning experience.

So before I start treating this article as a place to confide in, let me attempt to tell you what to expect, and what may actually happen. Of course, everyone’s experience differs, so this haphazardly constructed guide may be of absolutely zero use to you.

Do your bloody work

It won't be like this, it's all online nowadays...

Just in case you’ve already forgotten, I do English. While all my grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and occasional bit of written dialect may fool you otherwise, my course mostly consists of writing essays and trying to make rants look professional; essentially what I’m doing now, but against my will.

And I don’t mean to sound like an arse, but it was easier than I expected. Before going to uni, everyone was saying how it’s the most difficult thing to do, and that the workload will be huge. That just wasn’t the case for me, and others on the course, because if you managed your work and started researching, you could handle three or four assignments at a time.

Hence, if you post a status complaining about how many hours you’ve spent in the library, and how many cans of Monster you’ve consumed, I’ll have very little sympathy for you. Yeah, the social side of uni is great, it prepares you for the real world more than any course or job can. But, people would kill to be at a university, and it’s kind of the reason for you being there. So just get your work done, then you can proceed to have ravenous banter with the lads, (I would say a cheeky Nandos, but you’re a student and on a budget here).

Broaden your social horizons

If I would’ve remained the same, stubborn person that I was in Sixth Form, uni would’ve been a series of awkward encounters and acts of passive aggression. Granted, I’m still not the most sociable of people, but my first year went better than I imagine it would, and I’d put that down to being slightly tolerant.

In halls, I was with four women and another man, all of who were worlds apart from the personality I believed I had. Granted, two of the ladies were also from the North, but neither cared for the likes of Royal Blood or Biffy Clyro, so that went downhill very quickly. 

I remember one of my initial thoughts when I began meeting everyone at uni for the first time, and I ran down my new flatmates in my head. The other lad was from Essex, a snapback and vest away from being a Southern stereotype. One lass was a fashion student, and care very little for the repercussions her actions had on others. Another was a cheerleader from an unremarkable place in the middle of the country, and one of my fellow northerners was an emotional lady doing something based around childcare and psychology, which was pretty much a prerequisite for a teenage lass in my town. Subsequently, I thought to myself, “This is going to be a year of selfies, vanity and clubbing. And I know I’ll hate every minute of it.”

If you hadn’t already guessed by the earlier statements in this article, I was wrong, thankfully.

And how did I avoid an academic year of misery? I stopped being a dick.

Granted, here I am now writing a passive aggressive article about my flatmates, but it’s all necessary to make a point. Simply put, you deal with people; don’t take too much to heart, get to know these individuals you’ll be living with, and look over the small gripes you’ll develop rather than focusing on them.

Do new stuff

It’s all well and good doing what you’re expected to during your stay at university; good on you for studying, meeting new people and drinking. Granted, these aren’t worthy of singing a song through the uni village at midnight, letting everyone know that you’re socialising (good on you, simmer down mate), but regardless, it’s grand that you’re doing new things.

But, come on. Everyone’s doing that. Sitting in McDonalds in a suit at 4 in the morning? Yeah, that’s a night out pal, congratulations. Nicking a traffic cone and thinking you’re up there with the likes of Bonnie and Clyde? If I had a quid for every time I’ve said “simmer down” to someone…

But given that everyone, at least once at uni, is going to be that person who posts on Snapchat to let everyone know how much of a swell time they’re having, you need to do something else in order to convince yourself that you’re getting the most from the expected university experience.

For example, societies. These are great, and I joined two this year, the Rock Society and the Jamming Society, although the first is boring and the latter is full of less-than-sociable individuals. So, as you can only rely on yourself to be happy, I just did different things instead. And in addition, at least I tried. It’s not my fault that some societies are just a bit crap, there’s only so much rock music you can talk about before meetings devolve into half-arsed sessions of Guitar Hero, with one guy who insists “If you can play a song on expert, you can play it in real life.”

People are horrible

Remember the entire idea of broadening your social horizons? Bettering yourself as a social somebody? Well, I'm sorry to say, but don't go overboard with the concept. 

During my many nights of standing awkwardly in a pub, drink grasped in my hand, I've made a few observations. I've seen fellow students at the height of intoxication, and in the pits of desperation, and regardless of their emotions, (and what you're used to in your hometown), people have the potential to be absolute arses. 

Now, before you fret and ring UCAS, screaming down the phone to cancel your application, this definition varies wildly. An arse can be someone who you meet once in a smoking area, and invites you to a house party without following up on the matter. That makes him an arse. An arse can also be a guy (or lady) who is extraordinarily drunk and is after a scrap. That makes them a massive arse. 

The latter example is often a consequence of people's transformation at uni. What's that? Your still the exact same person that you always were? Alright pal, I'm sorry but everyone changes to some degree. Those who were a bit unsociable, like myself, become a bit more comfortable with meeting people, doing new things, and being an adult. As a general rule of thumb, those who are already good at being a sociable person, they tend to get a bit more confident, a bit too confident, resulting in the kind of big-headed ass-hattery that you thought you'd leave behind in year 11. 

But don't fret. You can often spot these people from a mile away, the type who'll knock your drink over, or the type who'll barge into you, (because he's part of the rugby society and that somehow makes it alright). And for every dick, there's two decent people who become merry when drunk, and just want to be friendly with everyone, simultaneously. 

Watch yourself, but don't let cautiousness get in the way of enjoying a night out.  

Do adult things

I could try and make an independent list solely on what constitutes adult things. As a really vague guideline, it involves fraying away from stuff that your mum might give you a guilt-trip inducing talk over, for example, here are a few things right off the top of my head:

1. Get a shower, and show your face by 3 P.M: 

I mean, you're of legal age to drink, is it really so hard to keep your personal hygiene up to scratch? Those jeans you've worn for two weeks straight don't smell 'fine' by anyone's definition mate. Keep them on for a week, tops, just in case. 

2. Don't blast music out at ungodly hours:

Sorry for nagging, but you managed just fine before coming to uni, didn't you? These paper thin walls aren't much solace for those with an early lecture and/or seminar, and everyone may not be as fond of endless 80's pop as you are.

3. Do your part:

If you leave that solidified pasta-bake out on the counter for over a week, I am going to contemplate binning it. I can only keep the flies at bay for so long, I am just one man, after all. 

Don't be an arse and skip the bins, it is your turn, and if you didn't want it to be this difficult, you should've done it earlier. Plus, if you do all your jobs, you can nag people to do theirs, and subsequently label them as lazy slackers. And nagging people is pretty great. 

4. Budget everything:

I mean everything. Well, as much as possible. Everything would be very tricky, I guess. 

Here's a quick run down of my 'budgeting'. I got from SFE and a part time job, around £65 a week to spend, (after rent had been taken out). Considering I didn't really need any supplies after the wonderful Freshers Fair, said currency was for food, and alcohol, and anything else I may need. 

As an average, this was sorted into the following vague categories:

Food: Around £20 a week (£30 with alcohol)
Toiletries: These were needed around once a month, and went in with the shop, averaging around £30 when included, so see above for the potential price. 
Piss-Ups: Turns out it's cheaper to drink before you go out, so a night out can usually average around a tenner if you do it right. Have two of these a week and you're sorted, splash out if you've saved elsewhere. 
Course Stuff: Mate, scour the internet and use your initiative. After the first half of the year, I didn't pay for any materials. PDFs, printer-credit and the Library are so underrated. At the very worse, I forked out a tenner for some books, a tenner which was saved from the previous week. 
Washing: If you're one of those posh people who insist that Febreze and a really good shower just aren't good enough, you may have to spend some of your potential Jagerbombs on cleaning, (welcome to the real world, mate). If this is the case, I'd put a fiver aside just in case. 

19% go into their overdraft my arse, it's easily higher than that...

So, let me break that down for you. After a big(ish) shop, two cheap nights out, some resourceful scouring of the internet, and a round of washing, I'd often be left with £10. Which would then go towards one of three things: Clothes shopping, (because working in retail has done something to me), Entertainment, (because Steam has great deals and I'm too lazy to work), or a better night out. 

Just don't forget to treat yourself in these tightly-organised times. And preferably leave your bank card at the flat on a night out, otherwise you'll go mental and broke at the same time. 

Yeah, turns out being an adult is quite the task. Who'd a thought it?

If you've made it this far, you probably won't need a summary. But ah well, I'm here now. To ensure your survival as a student, just keep these few things in mind, all the time. Yes, all the time:

1. Do your work, you're not paying a few grand a year for the sake of it.

2. Be sociable, and do things slightly out of your comfort zone. Preferably when intoxicated. 

3. People can sometimes be dicks, so watch yourself.

4. Be an adult. Or at least pretend, you'll have to learn sooner or later. 

So, follow those rough guidelines, and you can do your part in both bettering yourself, and living up to a social stereotype. You can proclaim that you've survived these horrendous conditions as a student, and that you've also simultaneously done some really, really hard work. Really, it's harder than Sixth Form, honestly. 

And if you do make a tit of yourself, just remember that it'll make for a grand story or icebreaker one day.