
Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Are Vloggers Really the Future of Media? (Link)

Vloggers are a peculiar bunch. Being constantly happy, or talking about your day for what must seem like the millionth time, has got to take a lot of effort.

I'm sure that the act of recording yourself doesn't seem too daunting, but what about all the responsibility and authority which comes with it? With millions of followers, you're bound to witness a bit of conflicting opinion along the way.

On Student Wire, I've had a go at writing something on the future of vlogging, and the significance of vloggers themselves. Due to certain agreements, I unfortunately can't post said piece up on here. But don't fret, as it's easily accessible by what I can only presume is an advanced form of witchcraft. (It's that last link, by the way).

If you wish to have a gander, then cheers! Please try not to be offended if I happened to have mentioned one of your favourite YouTube personalities. If you didn't have a look, well, there's not much I can do anyway.

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